Публикация:Корогодин 2017 Vehicle-to-vehicle Angular Determinations by Means of DSRC Signals

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Ilya V. Korogodin, Evgeniy N. Boldenkov, Vladimir V. Dneprov Vehicle-to-vehicle Angular Determinations by Means of DSRC Signals // Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2017). — 2017. — Pp. 622-636.

   author = "Ilya V. Korogodin and Evgeniy N. Boldenkov and Vladimir V. Dneprov",
   title = "Vehicle-to-vehicle Angular Determinations by Means of DSRC Signals",
   journal = "Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2017)",
   pages = "622-636",
   url = "https://www.ion.org/publications/abstract.cfm?articleID=15131",
   doi = "10.33012/2017.15131",
   year = "2017",
   language = english


In this paper we describe a relative vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) attitude estimation approach, an algorithm, experimental results and analysis of error sources. An innovative step of the presented approach is a utilization of DSRC signals for relative angular measurements between vehicles. Positioning methods based on ranging measurements suffer from the problem of poor geometric factor. The relative angular measurements can make a significant contribution to the positioning accuracy and reliability. It is proposed to install a DSRC transceiver with several antennas on each vehicle. Each antenna radiates a unique signal and receives signals from other vehicles. It allows measuring attitude of the vehicles relatively to their line of sight. The attitude is described by angle-of-arrival (AoA) and angle-of-departure (AoD). An estimation algorithm for the angles is designed. The algorithm utilizes a phases-to-direction interrelation model; the model was calculated for a proposed antenna system by means of an electromagnetic simulation. This simulation shows that the mutual influence of the antennas can disturb angle estimations about 10 degrees. The proposed algorithm allows considering the certain radiation patterns and mitigating the influence effects, that is confirmed by the experiment. Commercial-off-the-shelf Wi-Fi modules were used for the experiments. Wi-Fi 802.11n and DSRC 802.11p signals have close carrier frequencies, power and packet structures. It allows extrapolating the experimental results to DSRC. A front-end delay calibration methodology is presented. In accordance with the methodology the receiver is slowly and uniformly rotated and amendments to the phases are calculated. The experiments were conducted under good (open field) and bad (multistory parking) signal propagation conditions. The AoA/AoD accuracy about 5-15 degrees (peak) is shown. The multipath errors don’t dominate in the direct line-of-sight conditions. Multipath propagation causes errors up to 10 degrees (peak). The mutual influence of antenna elements and car body causes errors up to 10 degrees (peak).


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